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The Moment you Accept yourself, you Grow. All that we are is the Result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we Think we Become!

━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━ Styles & Credits :  . . HEAD . . LeLUTKA : LeL Evolution X Avalon Head 3.1 ⪼ Landmark :  LeLUTKA Mainstore . . BODY . . [LEGACY] Meshbody : [LEGACY] Meshbody (F) Perky Edition [+] Petite (1.4) ⪼ Landmark :  [LEGACY] Meshbody Mainstore . . SKIN . . [theSkinnery] : [theSkinnery] -- Janis (LeLutkaEVOX) -- Bronze ⪼ Landmark :  The Skinnery Mainstore VELOUR : VELOUR : The "Ipanema Body" (SUNKISS) ⪼ Landmark :  VELOUR Mainstore . . MAKEUP . . Gloom. : Gloom. -- Body Blush -- Pink ⪼ Landmark :  Gloom. Mainstore {Guapa} : {Guapa} Ker Freckles and Beauty Marks/Moles (Lel EvoX) ⪼ Landmark :  {Guapa} Mainstore L'Etre : L'Etre -- Lara eyeshadow #2 ⪼ Landmark :  L'Etre & DOUX Mainstore [theSkinnery] : [theSkinnery] Thin Eyeliner                          [theSkinnery] Undereye Blush                   ...

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