#06 - Become more aware of what is really worth your Energy!

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Are you extremely Compassionate, Sentimental, Creative and perhaps a bit Naive or Idealistic?
If this sounds like you, then you probably have Pink in your Aura.
Pink vibrates at the same Frequency as Green, which corresponds to the Heart Chakra. 
Pink is traditionally associated with Feminine Energy, although anyone can have a Pink Aura.
Ir's the primary color associated with Compassion, so a Compassionate Heart is one of your most significant Personality Traits, but you have many others as well.

Pink Aura Signals :
  1. Compassion and Caring: You're a Compassionate and Caring person. Your Innate nature causes you to reach out to others and you have a genuine Desire to help others.
  2. Honest and Idealistic :You believe in being Honest and adhere to your own Ideals and Beliefs. You're always fair when dealing with other people. You believe everyone has the right to be themselves and never place Expectations on anyone. Your live and let live attitude guides you in all you do. Your Focus is always on the Positive, so you automatically overlook other people's Flaws and Short-comings. This makes you Endearing to others who never feel Judged by you.
  3. Positive Attitude : This Attitude Filters everything you do in life. You avoid Negative people simply, because being around their Energy makes you feel bad. You Gravitate to people who look forward to Life and have a Sense of who they are and where they are going. 
  4. Creative :You're Creative and your heightened Sensitivity to others and the world around provides you with tremendous Inspiration. You have a personal style that is truly Unique to you.
  5. Empath Abilities : You feel the Suffering of others as though it were your own. You find it difficult to Disentangle your Emotions from those of other people. You must learn to Distinguish your emotions from other people's Feelings.
  6. Refined Tastes and Lifestyle : A Pink Aura means your Personality Traits are much Lighter and Softer than a Red Aura. Pink Aura personalities tend to move through life in a more Refined and Gentler way. This generates a more subtle approach to Life.
  7. Loyalty and Friendships : You're an Instant Confidant when people first meet you. The Loving vibe you give off to the world Attracts people to you and not necessarily the kind of people you'd normally befriend. However, since you are such a Caring and Loving person, everyone is a Friend. You never Waiver in your support of friends. They know they can Rely on you, no matter the Issue. You find it difficult to Believe others would Lie to you or Attempt to Deceive you. If a friend Betrays your Trust, your Spiritual nature will mandate you Forgive the person, which you will do without even thinking about it. However, you will ever Trust that person again. Your Friendship will continue to be Congenial, but the Closeness you shared can never be Recaptured. Your Naivety needs to be Reined in by learning a bit of Discernment, so others don't take Advantage of your Good Nature. You must Learn to choose your close friends Wisely. These should be people you feel will be as Good a friend to you as you are to them.
  8. Love and Romance : Pink is known as a color of Love. It is a softened blending of Fiery, Passionate Red and the Pure Love of the color White. A Pink Aura is the Romantic of all the aura colors. Life is to be lived in Beauty and you make everything Special with those little Touches, such as Fresh Flowers on the coffee table and a Centerpiece on the dining table. You're an Attentive Lover and Sensitive to your mate's needs. You enjoy doing things for your Lover, especially the little things that express how much you Appreciate and Cherish them. It's easy for you to Express your emotions to your lover. You want your lover to Understand you and need to Understand your Lover.
  9. Spirituality : You're Attuned to the Frequency of a Higher Spirituality. You embody the Balancing of Mind, Body, Heart, and Soul. You have a keen understanding of how Important it is to maintain a Balanced Life. This requires Discipline that you Learn at an early age so you can keep your emotions in Check and Balanced.
  10. Career Choices : Your Ideal Career choices include anything that offers you the Opportunity of Self-expression. This may be some form of Art, such as Painting, Sculpturing, or Photography. You may be drawn to a career in Music or Dance. You may discover Alternative Medicines like Acupuncture, Reiki, Energy Healing, and Herbs the Ideal Life Path. Other career possibilities include Counseling, Therapists, or Spiritual Advisor/Leader. Any career that provides you a venue for Self-express and the Feeling that you are making the world a better place will be a good fit.
Shades of Pink and what they mean?
  1. Pale Pink : Radiates a Highly developed Spirituality. Your Psychic Abilities are Finely Tuned, Pick up on Subtle Nuances that other Spiritually connected people often miss. Although you must guard against getting Caught up in your own world and Neglecting the Real world.
  2. Bright Pink : Reveals a high Sensuality and Deep Passions. You're an Ardent Romantic. Granted, you won't make the First move, but you will be very Receptive.
  3. Magenta Pink : Is the Rarest of Pink shades seen in Aura's. You're willing to take Risks, try New things, and Follow your Instincts. This aura color means you've found a Unique way of Self-expression that can skyrocket you to a successful career.
  4. Medium Pink : You're Self-reliant, Take care of your Health and Well-being. You're Self-reliant and Emit Self-confidence in everything you do.
  5. Dark Pink : Can signal a Lack of Positive Energies. It is the color of being Selfish, Immature, Inability to Express Emotional nature in a Positive manner, and even developing Intentional Deceptive Traits.
Root Chakra and Pink Aura Energies :

Pink is a lighter value of red. The Red Aura is associated with the Root Chakra (Grounding Chakra). It's the First Chakra, located at the base of your Spine. It's the gateway for Earth Energies to enter your Chakra system and Base for Stability in Life. Everything you need originates at this point. The Root Chakra generates the Energy of your Emotions, Sexual Nature, and Passion.

The Expression of these Energies isn't as Intense or Powerful as those expressed in a Red Aura. However, you have a Good Healthy Balance between all of these aspects. The Pink Energy makes you Highly Creative. You have a Heightened Spirituality that connects you to the Spirit World. The Pink color Vibration is the Essence of Romantic Energy that provides you with a Rich and fulfilling Love Life. Even in the midst of life's most pressing Challenges, you can help Heal others with a Glance, Smile, Kind Words or just by being Present.

Mantra for Increasing Pink Aura Vibrations:

"I Embrace and Radiate the energy of Gentleness, Romance and Unconditional Love for other, I Grace everyone I meet with Healing Love Energy!"

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Styles & Credits : 

. . HEAD . .
. . BODY . .
. . SKIN . .
. . MAKEUP . .
  • L'Etre : L'Etre -- Lara Eyeshadow -- #2
  •              L'Etre -- Lara Lipstick -- #6
  • ⪼ Landmark : L'Etre & DOUX Mainstore
. . HAIR . .
  • Swan : Swan :-- Anja in Love Face Jewels (Eye) -- Gold
  •             Swan -- Anja in Love Lip Heart -- Gold
  •             Swan -- Helena Septum Face Jewel -- Gold
  •             Swan -- Juliana Face Jewels (Eye A & B) -- Gold
  • ⪼ Landmark : Swan Mainstore
  • ~ Ysoral ~ : ~ Ysoral ~ -- .:Luxe Piercing Bindi Sophie:.
  • ⪼ Landmark : ~Ysoral~ Mainstore
      . . OUTFIT . .
      . . SWEATER . .
      . . SHORTS . .
      . . SHOES . .
      . . POSE . .
      ♡ Enjoy, Have a Wonderful Day!
