The Moment you Accept yourself, you Grow. All that we are is the Result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we Think we Become!
━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━
Styles & Credits :
. . HEAD . .
- LeLUTKA : LeL Evolution X Avalon Head 3.1
- ⪼ Landmark : LeLUTKA Mainstore
. . BODY . .
- [LEGACY] Meshbody : [LEGACY] Meshbody (F) Perky Edition [+] Petite (1.4)
- ⪼ Landmark : [LEGACY] Meshbody Mainstore
. . SKIN . .
- [theSkinnery] : [theSkinnery] -- Janis (LeLutkaEVOX) -- Bronze
- ⪼ Landmark : The Skinnery Mainstore
- VELOUR : VELOUR : The "Ipanema Body" (SUNKISS)
- ⪼ Landmark : VELOUR Mainstore
. . MAKEUP . .
- Gloom. : Gloom. -- Body Blush -- Pink
- ⪼ Landmark : Gloom. Mainstore
- {Guapa} : {Guapa} Ker Freckles and Beauty Marks/Moles (Lel EvoX)
- ⪼ Landmark : {Guapa} Mainstore
- L'Etre : L'Etre -- Lara eyeshadow #2
- ⪼ Landmark : L'Etre & DOUX Mainstore
- [theSkinnery] : [theSkinnery] Thin Eyeliner
- [theSkinnery] Undereye Blush
- [theSkinnery] Waterline Eyeliner
- [theSkinnery] Sun Burn
- ⪼ Landmark : The Skinnery Mainstore
- Tutti Belli : Tutti Belli -- 'Teen Idle' Set
- ⪼ Landmark : Tutti Belli Mainstore
. . TATTOO . .
- DAPPA : DAPPA -- Patan Tattoo (Faded)
- ⪼ Landmark : DAPPA Mainstore
. . HAIR . .
- TRUTH : TRUTH -- Mischief
- ⪼ Landmark : TRUTH Mainstore
- Beloved Jewelry : Beloved Jewelry -- Leg Piercing Gemstone
- ⪼ Landmark : Beloved Jewelry Mainstore
- E.Marie : E.Marie -- Carys Earrings -- Golds
- ⪼ Landmark : E.Marie Mainstore
- Swan : Swan -- Anja in Love Lip Heart -- Gold
- Swan -- Helena Septum Face Jewel -- Gold
- Swan -- Juliana Face Jewels (Eye A & B) -- Gold
- ⪼ Landmark : Swan Mainstore
- REVOUL : REVOUL -- Heart Nose Ring -- Gold
- ⪼ Landmark : REVOUL Mainstore
- ~ Ysoral ~ : ~ Ysoral ~ -- .:Luxe Piercing Bindi Sophie:.
- ⪼ Landmark : ~Ysoral~ Mainstore
- [Cynful] : [Cynful] Stripper Body Dust
- ⪼ Landmark : [Cynful] Mainstore
- Secrets - : - Secrets - Hellen Necklace -- Copper
- ⪼ Landmark : - Secrets - Mainstore
- TETRA : TETRA -- Spicy Bralette Chain -- Gold
- TETRA -- Spicy Belly Chain -- Gold
- ⪼ Landmark : TETRA Mainstore
- Vibing : Vibing -- Allie Necklace-- Gold
- ⪼ Landmark : Vibing Mainstore
- LIVIA : LIVIA -- MixItPro Nails [Coffin Shape]
- LIVIA -- MixItPro Nail Polish -- Goldstruck Dark
- ⪼ Landmark : LIVIA Mainstore
- Vibing : Vibing -- Maddy rings -- Gold
- ⪼ Landmark : Vibing Mainstore
. . OUTFIT . .
. . TOP . .
- Kaithleen's : Kaithleen's -- dAngel Leather Bustier Top -- Black
- ⪼ Landmark : Kaithleen's Mainstore
- TETRA : TETRA -- Off Shoulder Cardigan -- Onyx
- ⪼ Landmark : TETRA Mainstore
. . SKIRT . .
- Blueberry : Blueberry -- Socialite Suede Skirt -- Cream
- ⪼ Landmark : Blueberry Mainstore
. . SHOES . .
- *Vanilla Bae* : *Vanilla Bae* Aleyna Boots
- ⪼ Landmark : *Vanilla Bae* Mainstore
♡ Enjoy, Have a Wonderful Day!
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