#03 - Shh. . .Listen to the sounds that surround you. Notice the pitches, the volume, the timbre, the many lines of counterpoint as light taught Monet to paint, the earth may be teaching you music!
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Listening to Mother Nature :
How sound can help us understand Environmental changes!
Our Hearing tells us of car approaching from behind unseen or a bird in a distant forest. Everything vibrates and sound passes through and around us all the time. Sound is a Critical Environmental signifier.Increasingly, we are learning that humans and animals are the only organisms that use sound to communicate, so do Plants and Forests. Plants detect vibrations in a Frequency-selective manner, using this "Hearing" sense to find water by sending out acoustic missions and to communicate threats.
We also know that clear verbal communication is critical, but is easily degraded by extraneous sounds, otherwise known as "Noise". Noise is more than an Irritant : It also threatens our health. Average city sounds level of 60 decibels have been shown to increase Blood Pressure and Heart Rate and Induce Stress, with sustained higher amplitudes causing cumulative Hearing loss. If this is true for humans, then it might also be true for animals and even plants.
Conservation research puts a heavy emphasis on sight - think of the Inspiring Vista or the Rare Species caught on film with camera traps, but sound is also a critical element of natural systems.
Sound is a powerful indicator of environmental degradation and an effective tool for developing more sustainable ecosystems. We often hear changes in the environment, such as shifts in bird calls, before we see them. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has recently formed a sound charter to promote awareness of sound as a critical signifier in environmental health and urban planning.
To engage the public and scientific communities in the research, the Acoustic Ecology Lab embarked in 2014 on a large-scale, crowd-sourced project teaching Listening skills and Sound recording techniques to communities adjacent to National Parks and National Monuments in the Southwestern United States. Imagine how climate change could affect environment's sonic signatures. Reduced plant density will change the balance between absorptive surfaces, such as leaves and reflective surfaces such as rocks and buildings. This will increase reverberation to make sound environments more harsh. In settings where sound reverberates for a long time, such as a cathedral, it can become tiring to carry on a conversation as echoes interfere. Increasing reverberation could have a similar effect in natural settings. Native species could struggle to hear mating calls, Predator could have difficulty detecting prey such impacts could spur populations to relocate even if an area still offers plentiful food and shelter. In short, the sonic properties of environments are crucial to survival.
Everyone in the world has the capacity to Pause, Listen and Recognized the Diversity and Quality of Sound in any given space. Through more active listening, each of us can find a different connection to the environments we inhabit.
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Styles & Credits:
. . HEAD . .
- LeLUTKA : LeL Evolution X Avalon Head 3.0
- ⪼ Landmark : LeLUTKA Mainstore
. . BODY . .
- [LEGACY] Meshbody : [LEGACY] Meshbody (F) Perky Edition [+] Petite (1.4)
- ⪼ Landmark : [LEGACY] Meshbody Mainstore
. . SKIN . .
- TRES BEAU : Lelutka Evo X -- Eloise Skin (Skintone -- 1.1)
- ⪼ Landmark : TRES BEAU Mainstore
- Bold & Beauty : Body Applier Legacy F -- Fit & Skinny.
- ⪼ Landmark : Bold & Beauty Mainstore
. . HAIR . .
- Stealthic : Stealthic -- Metropolis
- ⪼ Landmark : Stealthic Mainstore
- *LODE* Head Accessory -- Mistletoe Crown [Yellow Berries]
- ⪼ Landmark : *LODE* Mainstore
- *PKC* : *PKC* -- Eye Corner Diamonds -- Gold
- *PKC* -- Simple Rings Face Set -- Gold
- ⪼ Landmark : *PKC* Mainstore
- ROSSI : Rossi -- Septum Nose Ring -- Gold
- ⪼ Landmark : ROSSI Mainstore
- ~ Ysoral ~ : ~ Ysoral ~ -- .:Luxe Piercing Bindi Sophie:.
- ~ Ysoral ~ -- .:Luxe Earrings Elise:.
- ⪼ Landmark : ~Ysoral~ Mainstore
- [Cynful] : [Cynful] Stripper Body Dust
- ⪼ Landmark : [Cynful] Mainstore
- MINIMAL : MINIMAL -- Constellation Necklace Aries -- Gold
- ⪼ Landmark : MINIMAL Mainstore
- NANIKA : NANIKA -- Tabia Bracelets -- Light Gold
- ⪼ Landmark : NANIKA Mainstore
- - Secrets - : - Secrets - Greta Belly Piercing -- Gold
- ⪼ Landmark : - Secrets - Mainstore
- TETRA : TETRA -- Luna Necklace #4 -- Gold
- ⪼ Landmark : TETRA Mainstore
- Vibing : Vibing -- Leah Rings -- Gold
- ⪼ Landmark : Vibing Mainstore
- - Secrets - : - Secrets - Livia Leg Chains -- Gold
- ⪼ Landmark : - Secrets - Mainstore
. . OUTFIT . .
. . TOP . .
- TETRA : TETRA -- Bella Top [Yellow]
- ⪼ Landmark : TETRA Mainstore
. . SHORTS . .
- Seniha : Seniha -- Rianna Shorts // #015
- ⪼ Landmark : Seniha Mainstore
- Seniha : Seniha -- Rianna Thong // Yellow
- ⪼ Landmark : Seniha Mainstore
. . SHOES . .
- TETRA : TETRA -- Sophia Heels [Yellow]
- ⪼ Landmark : TETRA Mainstore
. . POSE . .
- STUN : STUN -- Rina 6 (Curve)
- ⪼ Landmark : STUN Poses Mainstore
♡ Enjoy, Have a Wonderful Day!
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